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Bridges of Iowa is a long-term program that works when others fail. Our treatment facility is in a separate, unlocked wing of a jail. Our building may not seem warm and inviting, but the staff who work here are. They truly care about the people and the work we do. Professional, empathetic counselors are one of the keys to providing quality, effective treatment.
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“Bridges of Iowa provides effective long-term substance use disorder treatment services to the highest risk and most vulnerable individuals in our community. We primarily serve the people who have little or no income, no health insurance, and virtually no access to quality health services. We are proud of the fact that we provide care to this population regardless of their ability to pay, but maintaining this mission means we rely heavily on the generosity of others. Because the majority of the people we treat come to us directly from jail, we provide a host of job readiness and re-entry services in addition to treatment.“